Research Mission
Microbial communities (“microbiomes”) that populate human body surfaces impact health in many critical, yet enigmatic ways: They contribute to vital body functions via complex metabolic and immunomodulatory activities but are, at the same time, major reservoirs for facultative pathogens that cause the majority of invasive bacterial infections. A worldwide increase in antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens (ARBPs), coupled with declining discoveries of novel classes of antibiotics, raises the specter of a post-antibiotic era. Preventing the spread, human colonization, and subsequent infection by ARBPs is essential in preserving fundamental medical achievements of the 20th century. Broad-spectrum antimicrobials in current use both damage microbiomes and promote rapid ARBP evolution.
A paradigm shift in infection control is needed, putting a hold to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and enabling the development of targeted anti-infective strategies that promote microbiome integrity. Beneficial ‘commensal’ bacteria can limit the expansion of facultative pathogens in microbiomes but we are far from harnessing these mechanisms for therapeutic interventions.
The researchers at the Cluster of Excellence "Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections" (CMFI) aim to elucidate the mechanisms of interaction between beneficial and harmful and the host in order to develop novel targeted therapeutic and anti-infective treatments.
In four larger Research Areas and seven Junior Research Groups, the researchers work on joint projects in an interdisciplinary manner.
The CMFI also funds the professorships "Bacterial Metabolomics" and "Microbiome-Host Interactions".
Research Areas

CMFI researchers come together in over 40 projects in four Research Areas (A, B, C, D).
The Research Areas range from A: Bacterial Molecules & Cells to B: Bacterial Cells & Communities and C: Bacterial Communities & Host to D: Towards Integrative Therapy Concepts.
Junior Research Groups

The Junior Research Groups are led by outstanding young scientists and complete the research strategy of the Cluster. The CMFI provides financial support and equips the laboratories with cutting-edge technology.

The professorships "Bacterial Metabolomics" and "Microbiome-Host Interactions" were established at the University of Tübingen. Researchers from the CMFI were appointed to these professorships.