ERC Starting Grant for Christoph Ratzke

In his ERC project "BugDrug - Bugs as Drugs: Understanding Microbial Interaction Networks to Prevent and Treat Infections" CMFI Junior Research Group Leader Christoph Ratzke wants to investigate the interactions within microbial communities and their network structures. Such communities of innumerable microbes - also known as microbiota - occur for example in the healthy human intestine and help to digest food. However, certain microorganisms, often bacteria, can cause infections. Ratzke investigates how such pathogens could be repressed by the existing microbial network. He is granted 1.49 million euros from the ERC for this purpose.
Leon Kokkoliadis
Public Relations Management
Tel: +49 7071 29-74707
E-Mail: leon.kokkoliadis@
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