Postdoc Position (d/f/m, E 13 TV-L, 100%) in Antibiotics and Bacterial Immunity (EN)
Exzellenzcluster CMFI | Ab sofort
The Systems Biology of Antibiotics group of the Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI) at the University of Tübingen advertises a Postdoc Position (d/f/m, E 13 TV-L, 100%) in Antibiotics and Bacterial Immunity to be filled as soon as possible. The position is initially limited to three years.
The research group Systems Biology of Antibiotics headed by Prof. Dr. Ana Rita Brochado is looking for a Postdoc. The successful candidate will work on a multidisciplinary research project aimed at systematically investigating how bacterial immunity impact antimicrobial activity across species.
We offer salary according to TV-L, E13 (100%).
Our lab
Antimicrobial resistance is rising to alarming levels and new solutions are needed. We study how bacteria cope (or not!) with drugs in their environment. Our goal is to expose druggable features to aid treatment design, while gaining novel biological insight into how bacteria operate. We combine basic microbiology with high-throughput screening and systems biology approaches. We are a multidisciplinary team of international researchers. We value an open, international, friendly, and supportive environment within the lab. You can find more information about our group at
Your tasks
- Designing and implementing experiments to investigate how the bacterial immune system, in particularly the recently described novel phage defence systems, impact antimicrobial activity.
- This project will include high-throughput screening, proteomics and bacterial genetics of different bacterial pathogens.
- Developing innovative high-throughput screening approaches using high-end, user-friendly, automation robotic platforms.
- Data analysis and interpretation using different computational tools for high-throughput phenomics, proteomics and genomics. To be done together with a bioinformatician.
- Preparing manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
- Presenting research findings at national and international conferences.
We provide
- Close guidance and mentorship from leading experts in the field.
- State-of-the-art infrastructure.
- Opportunity to develop your own ideas.
- Opportunity to attend international conferences, interact with international collaboration partners and mentorship to develop a strong research profile.
- Close collaboration with a PhD student within the lab.
Your profile
- PhD in microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology or related subjects.
- Excellent communication skills in English, both written and spoken.
- Strong experimental skills in diverse microbiology/biochemistry techniques.
- Scientific creativity and drive to address fundamental biological questions.
Contact Prof. Dr. Ana Rita Brochado (ana.brochado@
de) if you have any questions regarding the position or the lab.
Send your application as one pdf file by email to systemsmicro.recruit@
de. The pdf file should contain: a cover letter, your CV (including 3 academic referees and publications list), and certificates.
The review of applications will begin May 15th 2024 and will continue until the position is filled.
The university advocates equal rights for all genders and therefore urges women and gender-diverse people to apply. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preference.
The hiring process is carried out by the central administration of the university.