Microbiology and Infection Biology Day 2024
The second Microbiology and Infection Biology Day will take place on Friday, October 11th in the CRONA lecture hall, Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 3.
After the successful first event in 2022 we will again bring together the entire community working on bacteria, parasites and viruses, microbe as well as host perspective, for a lively scientific exchange at all career levels. We often meet in the different consortia, be it DZIF, CMFI, CIDiC or IGIM, but we hardly get together with all peers of our local microbe and infection community.
To make this event a success, we need your scientific input. We invite you to contribute with:
- Talks: We have slots for three talks from PhD students and three from postdocs.
- Posters. About 40 posters will be selected to be presented during the breaks and poster sessions.
Please make use of this chance to present your science in front of our local community to get new ideas and to identify new collaboration partners. The deadline for talk and poster applications is September 20th.
Please find the flyer attached where you also find a QR code that brings you to the registration and poster submission page. We need to register all participants latest by September 26th in order to organize the right kind and right amount of food and drinks.
Link to registration page: https://forms.gle/cQ1shEBdzqcsSjBo8