Metabolism and the Cell Cycle: Revisiting old Dogmas/Dynamic intravital microscopy of immune function in solid tumors
12:30 pm
Joint Microbiological Colloquium
Jennifer Ewald & Bettina Weigelin

Speaker: Jennifer Ewald, Bettina Weigelin (Universitty of Tübingen)
Host: CMFI
Venue: Hybridevent
- Lecture Hall N2, Hörsaalzentrum Morgenstelle, Auf der Morgenstelle 16, D-72076 Tübingen
In presence, the participants have to be tested or vaccinated or recovered (3G rule). The negative PCR test must not be older than 24 hrs. Medical masks must be worn. Site plan
- Online via Zoom
For registration and further information please contact Lisa Bleul: