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Investigating gut microbial community composition, spatial organization and function in relation to host health

20.03.2023 5:00 pm Talk Georg Zeller (EMBL Heidelberg)

Speaker Dr. Georg Zeller (EMBL Heidelberg)

Hosts: Nisar Malek (UKT) und Mathias Heikenwälder (DKFZ)

Venue: Großer Hörsaal Medizinische Klinik & Online via Zoom
         Otfried-Müller-Straße 10
         72076 Tübingen

Date & Time: 20.03.2023, 5 p.m.


Meeting-ID: 868 4363 1849
Kenncode: 560000

About the speaker

Georg Zeller studied Bioinformatics (major in Computer Science) at Tuebingen and Uppsala University. In 2010 he obtained a PhD for machine learning-based analyses of genomics and transciptomics data from model organisms (A. thaliana and C. elegans) at the Max Planck Institutes in Tuebingen.
Afterwards he joined Peer Bork's group at EMBL Heidelberg to work on the analysis of chemogenomics and metagenomics data. Since 2015 he has been an independent Team Leader at EMBL. His current research interests include computational and statistical method development for clinical microbiome studies with the goal of gaining a better understanding of how the microbiome contributes to human health, disease progression and treatment success, and how it is shaped by host factors such as nutrition and drug intake.