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Public Events

Seminars and Workshops

The VMOL and MassSpec seminar series of the Functional Metabolomics Lab provide a general introduction to modern mass spectrometry and in particular to the analysis of biomolecules. The basic hardware principles of how a mass spectrometer works and application-oriented data analysis approaches are covered.

The goal is to start from scratch and enable all participants to independently perform various mass spectrometry data analysis tasks within a few sessions. The seminars serve as a dynamic platform for communication and exchange of ideas and concepts in mass spectrometry. All software presented is open source.

VMOL Seminar Series MassSpec Seminar Series


CMFI International Summer School on Non-Targeted Metabolomics NTMSS 2022

At the Summer School of the Functional Metabolomics Lab in Tübingen in August 2022, the organizers gave a general introduction to non-targeted LC-MS/MS-based metabolomics and guided the participants through a complete data analysis pipeline.

CMFI International Summer School

The school laboratory TüChemLab