Vergangene Veranstaltungen des Kolloquiums

Beetle-microbe symbioses: Endless forms most functional
11.05.2023 Beetle-microbe symbioses: Endless forms most functional 12:30 Uhr 14:00 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium Hassan Salem Mehr
Bioinformatic help in the search for new antibiotics
27.04.2023 Bioinformatic help in the search for new antibiotics 12:30 Uhr 14:00 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium Thomas Dandekar Mehr
High-throughput microfluidics: new methods to advance the study of microbial interactions
13.04.2023 High-throughput microfluidics: new methods to advance the study of microbial interactions 12:30 Uhr 14:00 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium Tobias Wenzel (UC Chile) Mehr
Cell-wall recycling in bacteria and the nexus to antibiotic resistance
23.03.2023 Cell-wall recycling in bacteria and the nexus to antibiotic resistance 11:15 Uhr 12:45 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium Shahriar Mobashery (University of Notre Dame, USA) Mehr
Single-cell biology of bacterial pathogens in host tissues
02.02.2023 Single-cell biology of bacterial pathogens in host tissues 12:30 Uhr 14:00 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium Dirk Bumann Mehr
How can 2D nanomaterials be used in fighting bacterial infections?
26.01.2023 How can 2D nanomaterials be used in fighting bacterial infections? 12:30 Uhr 14:00 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium Ivan Mijakovic Mehr
Molecular secrets of 7th pandemic V. cholerae
19.01.2023 Molecular secrets of 7th pandemic V. cholerae 12:30 Uhr 14:00 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium Melanie Blokesch (EPFL) Mehr
Purpose-driven creativity of Legionella: The steps before virulence factor phospholipases come into play
12.01.2023 Purpose-driven creativity of Legionella: The steps before virulence factor phospholipases come into play 12:30 Uhr 14:00 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium Antje Flieger (RKI) Mehr
- intern - Computational Microbiology at QBiC
15.12.2022 - intern - Computational Microbiology at QBiC 12:30 Uhr 14:00 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium Sabrina Krakau Mehr
The gut microbiome in T cell-based cancer immunotherapies: Approaching clinical relevance
08.12.2022 The gut microbiome in T cell-based cancer immunotherapies: Approaching clinical relevance 12:30 Uhr 14:00 Uhr Mikrobiologisches Kolloquium, Online Christoph Stein-Thoeringer Mehr